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5 ways to keep children entertained at weddings!

It can be great to have children at a wedding as they usually bring a fun side however they can tend to get bored easily which can draw the attention away from the wedding couple. Here are 5 ways I have seen at weddings which worked a treat to keep the little ones occupied and happy!

1. Bouncy castle - not too big or the adults may take over!

Perfect when waiting for the wedding breakfast or in the evening. This one however can be a blessing and a curse due to the nature of adults with a childish side! If you are looking to keep the smaller children entertained then I would suggest going for a smaller bouncy castle which adults wouldn't fit on to prevent the adults taking over...but a bouncy castle for the that would be a lot of fun!

2. Lego - a toy that never goes out of date!

Most people either have a stash of Lego somewhere in the attic or know a friend who does, this makes it a free addition to your wedding day! If you have an outdoor space pour the Lego out on a picnic blanket or if you have an indoor wedding set up a corner with either a mat or a table - note if you are doing it indoors try to keep the pieces to a set area so your guests aren't stepping on lego pieces all over the venue!

3. Magician - impress your guests with some magical flair!

A staple for any event which needs brightening up, the right magician can bring so much happiness to all your guests but especially the smaller ones. If you or your guests feel uncomfortable in front of a camera but you want some great smiling pictures together then a magician can be a great tool to get those pictures, get the group together to watch the magic and the photographer can discreetly capture the real smiles whilst they are distracted with the magic!

Looking for a recommendation?

I will always recommend Adam Richards who I have seen work at events for many years now. He never fails to make guests laugh and smile with his cheeky humour and amazing magician talent.

4. Giant games - it makes it a lot harder to lose the pieces!

Lawn games are always a win but giant games just take it to another level. Most of the games are cheap enough to buy or even DIY but lots of compares offer hire of the games at very little costs too. A few games to consider; skittles, tic tac toe, connect 4, Jenga (although this one can be a paid to set up once it's been knocked down) or maybe you add some giant soft gladiator batons to maker things a bit more intense.

5. Bubbles - cheap and look great in pictures!

If you want some super cute pictures of your child guests look no further than a simple bubble wand. They cost hardly anything to get enough for all the children and the parents! One additional benefit to using bubbles is the zero mess left behind, and if the bubbles are spilt then they likely won't stain clothing as it is just soap and water. For the pictures of children who can't stay still it can be an easy way to get them in roughly one area and smiling.

These are only 5 ways to keep children entertained at your weddings and there are many more which maybe I will share soon in another post!

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